fit Logos


Anna Pilaski is a specialist for german language didactics. For Anna, passing on her knowledge is like letting fly seeds – the language then grows in many different places!

By the way, the german name Pusteblume is the best!! 

María Perla Retortillo provides trainings to treat learning disabilities. The shape of a gingko leaf reminds of the brain structure, where the right and left sides are connected. It may also be understood as a symbol of dialectics, unity and interaction of opposites, mental activity!! Gingko also has healing properties. The brand name Joadur is independent of these ideas, a merely personal choice. 

Anna Maria Wittkowsky is a specialist for psychotherapy. She works with different methods, online and face-to-face. The green vintage seat conveys relaxation, recovery and a sane connection to our past.

Christiane Bolte-Costabiei and Stefan Häring are a team of German language teacher trainers. The logo emphasizes the unity of their work, a colaborational process across the continents. IBM typography is clean and objective but somewhat lively and warm – ideal for an educational institution providing online and live events.

The copypez logo is for a copy shop in calle del Pez (Fish street). 

Eugenia Maria Moran is a Madrid based psychotherapist. Her metaphor is the house, because a house with its particular rooms meets a person’s needs. Your own house reflects who you are. Eugenia helps people to be comfortable with themselves and feel protected. is a platform for german language classes. In spanish «aula» is the class room. The «o» stands for online. The name says it all, but we made it more readable putting the headphone symbol. 

Logo for a research team of the UCM philosophy faculty. Film and Philosophy. The portrait of Immanuel Kant, composed with a flying film strip, lets our imagination fill the gaps – a technique of Salvador Dali’s.

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